Not appropriate to perform a mastectomy without first discussing with the patient the options of immediate or delayed breast reconstruction.
In Australia, approximately 40% of women diagnosed with breast cancer undergo a mastectomy.
Undergoing a breast reconstruction at any time following a mastectomy has no negative impact on the chances of the breast cancer returning, or overall survival. Studies have shown that a breast reconstruction can have positive benefits on patients’ psychological health, including their body image, and emotional and social well-being.
Value to patients
The opportunity to discuss breast reconstruction options prior to mastectomy, including timing and potential reconstruction techniques, will assist women to make an informed decision about their surgical management.
Supporting evidence
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2015. Breast cancer in young women: key facts about breast cancer in women in their 20s and 30s. Cancer series no. 96. Cat. no. CAN 94. Canberra: AIHW.
Bezuhly M, Wang Y, Williams JG, et al. Timing of postmastectomy reconstruction does not impair breast cancer-specific survival: A population-based study. Clinical Breast Cancer. 2015;15(6):519-26.
Somogyi RB, Webb A, Baghdikian N, et al. Understanding the factors that influence breast reconstruction decision making in Australian women. Breast. 2015;24(2):124-30.
Wong A, Snook K, Brennan M, et al. Increasing breast reconstruction rates by offering more women a choice. ANZ Journal of Surgery. 2014;84(1-2):31-6.
Yang X, Zhu C, Gu Y. The prognosis of breast cancer patients after mastectomy and immediate breast reconstruction: a meta-analysis. PLoS One. 2015;10(5):e0125655.